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start [2021/05/04 23:32] pzstart [2022/03/11 11:03] (current) pz
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-====== KEEPHA: Knowledge-enhanced information extraction across languages for pharmacovigilance ======+====== KEEPHA: Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance ======
 +The present project aims to design Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods that automatically digest different types of text sources and jointly extract knowledge and observations in order to populate existing knowledge bases. Our project showcases these methods in the domain of pharmacovigilance, which endeavors to maintain up-to-date knowledge on adverse drug reactions for the benefit of public health. In this domain, authoritative sources include scientific journals and drug labels while elementary observations are reported in patient records and social media.
 +  * Dates: 2021-2024
 +  * Funding: [[|ANR]]-[[|DFG]]-[[|JST]] trilateral call on Artificial Intelligence: //The French National Research Agency (ANR, France), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG, Germany) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Japan), signed in April 2019 in Tokyo the agreement of a Call for projects on artificial intelligence (AI), a priority theme for these three countries.//
  • start.1620163958.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/05/04 23:32
  • by pz